The student conduct system exists to protect the rights of the Boston College community and provide a fair process for resolving student conduct complaints. We want to help students develop a sense of responsibility for their actions and their experience at BC, while supporting and fostering their social, intellectual, and personal growth.

Contact Us:

Maloney Hall, Suite 448
Phone: 617-552-3470


The Conduct Process

General Information

Procedural Information

Policy Information

When students contact emergency responders or university officials for assistance, neither the caller nor the impacted party will receive a status sanction related to substance use, but the student receiving medical treatment will be required to complete certain educational and/or counseling interventions.

Parent / Guardian

Outcomes & Records

Online Forms 

Conduct Records

Student disciplinary records remain on file in the Office of the Dean of Students for seven years from the date of the incident. See the University’s record keeping policy for information on what will be reported. You can view the policy online at the University Policies page.


Students may submit an appeal of a decision reached in a conduct matter brought under the Student Code of Conduct, whether the decision was the result of an administrative hearing, a hearing board, or any other conduct proceeding administered under the auspices of Student Affairs. If accepted, an appeal will result in an administrative review of the decision; only in rare circumstances will an appeal result in a new hearing or other new adjudication of the case. 

Please review the BC Student Guide
 for full details on the appeals process.


Boston College will not share specific conduct information with parents/guardians unless their student signs a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) waiver consenting to the information that can be shared.

Students may authorize the release of personal information and educational records to individuals and/or agencies of their choice by submitting a form of acknowledgment releasing their information.


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